Business has been good. I'm very low on good packing materials. I've got my eyes and ears open for anyone in my vicinity throwing clean bubblewrap and peanuts into the landfill...
I have a feeling some comments are forthcoming from my customer, as I suggested in my last post. "C" tells me she doesn't find it intuitive so she hasn't been able to get it done. I have confidence in her though, don't you?
On the pottery front, lots of throwing, trimming, bisquing, glazing going on here. I've had lots of custom orders to manage. All I have left in this primo order is to glaze two more salad plates and then 48 pieces will be done. My fine, smart customer and I discussed getting the first 48 done and when I have time later this month after a big show in Rochester, I'll get started on the 12 bread and butters plates.
All for now. I'm glazing, loading and then setting off on the lookout for you-know-what. :)