Friday, October 29, 2010
Dried up, Stacked up and Firing away!
My kiln is loaded with greenware (completely dried pots) from bottom to top. The bread and butter plates are all nestled inside. Glazing begins next week, provided all goes well. I never take that for granted!! Have a great weekend. :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
All trimmed up!

The first picture shows me roughly trimming the bottom of a plate; by now you know what that means: removing excess clay off the bottom and creating a "foot" to stand on which gives it a nice finished look. When I do this I have to be sure that it will fit into the inside of the plate (right side up), for good stacking.
The second pic shows the plates all stacked up. When they are fully dry into the kiln they will go for their bisquing! I should have a full load ready to go next week. Progress, progress!

Monday, October 18, 2010
The final stretch...
It's been almost a month since I worked on this project and I really do appreciate my understanding customer. I needed to set this aside for a bit to work on other projects but today I was back at it! I promised said customer that I would have her 60 pieces done by Thanksgiving and I plan to stick to my word.
The Bread and Butter plates are now in the works-- the last 12 pieces of this 60 piece place setting. All 12 (plus some extras) are now drying on the masonite bats they were thrown on today. I have them in my damp room rather than out in the studio as I like them to dry slowly to minimiz
e potential cracking and because I have a lot of other pieces that need to be trimmed first, before they get too dry. I also have some glazing to do tomorrow so I won't be getting these plates off to trim 'til the end of the week.

I took several pictures to show a couple of different stages of the plates. The best is pictured here which shows me using my fingers to form the lip of the plate by simply squeezing the clay 'til it's the width and thickness I want. I also use my right hand in this process but sorry, I only have 2 hands and I had to hold the camera. With my right hand I simply hold a sponge to keep it smooth and clean up some of the excess water.
I'm excited to be in the final stretch now. I'm anxious for my customer to have her complete set. This has been such a great project! Check back in 5 or 6 days to see about the trimming of these plates. All for now! Thanks for stopping by...
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